Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Năm học 2022-2023 - Sở GD&ĐT Bình Dương (Có đáp án)

Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions. (3.6 points) 
Question 19: It is essential that your child ______ problem-solving skills. 
A. has B. has had C. had D. have 
Question 20: As it was getting ______, she was not home yet and was feeling ______. 
A. darker and darker / more and more tired B. dark and darker / more tired and tired 
C. more dark and dark / tired more and more D. more and more dark / tired and more tired 
Question 21: He was playing ______ outside while she was practising ______ inside. 
A. the tennis / violin B. tennis / the violin C. the tennis / a violin D. a tennis / a violin 
Question 22: Donna ______ a hundred books this month. 
A. had read B. has read C. has been reading D. has been read 
Question 23: Even the smallest baby can ______ its mother by her voice. 
A. identical B. identifier C. identity D. identify 
Question 24: The city centre is quite lively during the day, ______ it is totally dead at night. 
A. during B. or C. but D. because 
Question 25: You have a brilliant suggestion, ______ it will save us from these problems. 
A. but B. yet C. however D. and 
Question 26: Choose the pair of words that are NOT homophones. 
A. buy / bye B. berry / bury C. hit / heat D. flour / flower 
Question 27: Grandpa has becoming quite ______. Perhaps he will not be able to remember the way 
back home one day. 
A. absent-minded B. white-toothed C. thick-skinned D. self-educated 
Question 28: Eye colour was traditionally described as a single gene trait, with brown eyes being ______ 
over blue eyes. 
A. dominant B. dominance C. dominate D. dominantly
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Nội dung text: Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Năm học 2022-2023 - Sở GD&ĐT Bình Dương (Có đáp án)

  1. SỞ GD&ĐT BÌNH DƯƠNG ĐỀ KIỂM TRA CUỐI HỌC KỲ 1 – NH 2022-2023 Môn: Tiếng Anh 12 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề) Mã đề 137 Họ và tên: .Lớp: .SBD: . Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. (0.4 point) Question 1: A few persevering climbers finally reached the top despite the strong cold winds. A. record-breaking B. long-lasting C. well-organized D. weak-willed Question 2: She sees cleaning as a pointless exercise since everything is going to get dirty again. A. painful B. useful C. cheerful D. harmful Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. (1.0 point) Question 3: The pilot was forced to make an emergent landing not long after take-off after a problem was detected in an engine. A. an engine B. a problem C. The pilot D. an emergent Question 4: The chart shows a number of Internet users in Amsterdam, the capital city of the Netherlands, from 2005 to 2020. A. to B. the Netherlands C. a number D. in Amsterdam Question 5: The government requested that local authorities clear all slums and supported migrants in finding low-cost housing. A. supported B. in C. low-cost D. The Question 6: We can install energy-saving products like fans instead of air-conditioners which consumes a lot of energy. A. instead of B. consumes C. like D. energy-saving Question 7: When Singapore gained independence in 1965, Lee decided to keep English as the main language to increase economical benefits. A. the main B. gained independence C. economical benefits D. to keep Read the passage and choose the correct the correct answer to each of the questions. (1.2 points) Have you got out of bed? Sat on a chair? Had your breakfast? Made a shopping list? Blown your nose into a tissue? Taken some medicine? Have you once looked around and made a list of things that have forest origin? Forests play a vital part in our daily lives in more ways than we can imagine. Over 1.5 billion people rely on forests for livelihoods. Forests provide us with shelter, livelihoods, water, food and fuel security. All of these activities directly or indirectly involve forests. Some are easy to figure out – fruits, paper and wood from trees, and so on. Others are less obvious, such as by-products that go into everyday items like medicines, cosmetics and detergents. We depend on forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use. Forests provide ecosystem services that are critical to human welfare. They absorb harmful greenhouse gasses that produce climate change. They protect watersheds, prevent soil erosion and reduce the amount of chemicals that reach waterways. Forests serve as a buffer in natural disasters like flood and rainfalls and provide habitat to more than half of the world’s land-based species Yet, despite our dependence on forests, we are still allowing them to disappear. Between 1990 and 2020, the world lost some 178 million hectares of forests, an area the size of Libya. When we take away the forest, it is not just the trees that go. The entire ecosystem begins to fall apart, with dire consequences for all of us. (Adapted from wwf.panda.org) Question 8: Which serves as the main idea of the passage? A. The complete loss of forests B. Our independence of forests C. The financial benefits of forests D. Our strong reliance on forests Anh 12- Trang 1 – Mã đề 137
  2. Question 9: The word “critical” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___. A. analytical B. important C. difficult D. dangerous Question 10: The word “that” in paragraph 3 refers to ___. A. forests B. watersheds C. ecosystem services D. greenhouse gasses Question 11: According to paragraph 3, over 50% of land-based species rely on forests for ___. A. places to live B. medicines to survive C. natural disasters D. flood and rainfalls Question 12: The word “dire” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ___. A. spectacular B. serious C. social D. limited Question 13: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. Forests will be wiped out in the next century. B. Trees are disappearing because of climate change. C. Many important products are made from wood. D. Everybody relies on forests for their livelihoods. Choose the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. (0.4 point) Question 14: His employees worshipped him for his kindness and leadership, and he responded by showing a genuine concern for their welfare. A. begged B. sacrificed C. prayed D. admired Question 15: After completing a difficult project, they produced a thorough report to help any of their colleagues through similar situations. A. manufacture B. tried C. wrote D. cancelled Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation. (0.6 point) Question 16: A. installed B. subscribed C. occurred D. worshiped Question 17: A. absorbs B. clutters C. presents D. achieves Question 18: A. function B. tutor C. custom D. culture Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions. (3.6 points) Question 19: It is essential that your child ___ problem-solving skills. A. has B. has had C. had D. have Question 20: As it was getting ___, she was not home yet and was feeling ___. A. darker and darker / more and more tired B. dark and darker / more tired and tired C. more dark and dark / tired more and more D. more and more dark / tired and more tired Question 21: He was playing ___ outside while she was practising ___ inside. A. the tennis / violin B. tennis / the violin C. the tennis / a violin D. a tennis / a violin Question 22: Donna ___ a hundred books this month. A. had read B. has read C. has been reading D. has been read Question 23: Even the smallest baby can ___ its mother by her voice. A. identical B. identifier C. identity D. identify Question 24: The city centre is quite lively during the day, ___ it is totally dead at night. A. during B. or C. but D. because Question 25: You have a brilliant suggestion, ___ it will save us from these problems. A. but B. yet C. however D. and Question 26: Choose the pair of words that are NOT homophones. A. buy / bye B. berry / bury C. hit / heat D. flour / flower Question 27: Grandpa has becoming quite ___. Perhaps he will not be able to remember the way back home one day. A. absent-minded B. white-toothed C. thick-skinned D. self-educated Question 28: Eye colour was traditionally described as a single gene trait, with brown eyes being ___ over blue eyes. A. dominant B. dominance C. dominate D. dominantly Anh 12- Trang 2 – Mã đề 137
  3. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. (0.4 point) Question 32: A few persevering climbers finally reached the top despite the strong cold winds. A. well-organized B. weak-willed C. record-breaking D. long-lasting Question 33: She sees cleaning as a pointless exercise since everything is going to get dirty again. A. painful B. useful C. cheerful D. harmful Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. (1.0 point) Question 34: As her lessons became increasingly hard, she tried harder than ever. A. Her lessons became harder and harder although she never tried harder. B. Her lessons got more and more difficult and she tried more and more. C. She tried to be more difficult but her lessons became more challenging. D. She did not feel at ease as her lessons were more and more demanding. Question 35: In 2021, ninety per cent of the students borrowed books from the library. A. In 2021, three quarters of the students borrowed books from the library. B. In 2021, a majority of the students borrowed books from the library. C. In 2021, four-fifths of the students borrowed books from the library. D. In 2021, the number of books borrowed from the library was minimal. Question 36: From 2015 to 2020, there was a sharp increase in his salary. A. From 2015 to 2020, his salary remained stable. B. From 2015 to 2020, his salary rose sharply. C. From 2015 to 2020, his salary fluctuated. D. From 2015 to 2020, his salary increased steadily. Question 37: Anne said to Bean, “Were I you, I’d learn English every single day.” A. Ann insisted Bean learn English every other day. B. Ann urged that Bean learned English every day. C. Ann advised that Bean learn English each day. D. Ann suggested that Bean had learned English daily. Question 38: Climate changes affect crops. This leads to food shortages. A. Climate changes affect crops which lead to food shortages. B. Climate changes affect crops worsened by food shortages. C. Climate changes affect crops, which creates food shortages. D. Climate changes affect crops, caused by food shortages. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress. (0.6 point) Question 39: A. separate B. interact C. hesitate D. diagnose Question 40: A. private B. unique C. massive D. detailed Question 41: A. revolution B. agriculture C. perseverance D. entertainment Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation. (0.6 point) Question 42: A. tutor B. culture C. custom D. function Question 43: A. occurred B. installed C. worshiped D. subscribed Question 44: A. clutters B. presents C. achieves D. absorbs Read the passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. (1.2 points) Clues at ancient lake site reveal earliest known cooked meal The shift from eating raw to cooked food was a dramatic turning point in human evolution, and the discovery has suggested prehistoric humans were able to deliberately (45)___ fires to cook food at least 780,000 years ago. The detailed study of fish teeth unearthed at the Gesher Benot Ya’aqov site, situated on the edge of the ancient lake Hula, Israel, revealed that some of our early ancestors – most likely Homo erectus – Anh 12- Trang 3 – Mã đề 719
  4. were able to cook fish, said study author Dr. Irit Zohar, (46)___ at Tel Aviv University’s Steinhardt Museum of Natural History. No human remains had been found at the site, but the stone tools were the same (47)___ those found at Homo erectus sites across Africa. Zohar said the lake would have been shallow, and it might have been easy to catch large fish like the extinct Luciobarbus longicep, which could grow up to two meters, by hand. The shift to eating cooked meals meant humans (48)___ less energy on the intensive work of searching for and digesting fresh, raw food, freeing up more time in which to develop new social and behavioral systems. It has been suggested that the consumption of meat (49)___ to the increase in relative brain size of our early Homo ancestors, but bacteria make the consumption of uncooked meat a risky business. Cooking, however, kills bacteria and increases the energetic value of meat – thereby creating a new, (50)___ food source. (Adapted from edition.cnn.com) Question 45: A. put B. construct C. produce D. make Question 46: A. the researchers B. researcher C. researchers D. a researcher Question 47: A. like B. likely C. alike D. as Question 48: A. used B. lacked C. stored D. saved Question 49: A. affected B. explained C. led D. influenced Question 50: A. dependable B. unhealthy C. infectious D. addicted THE END Anh 12- Trang 4 – Mã đề 719
  5. SỞ GD&ĐT BÌNH DƯƠNG ĐỀ KIỂM TRA CUỐI HỌC KỲ 1 – NH 2022-2023 Môn: Tiếng Anh 12 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề) Mã đề 874 Họ và tên: .Lớp: .SBD: . Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. (1.0 point) Question 1: The government requested that local authorities clear all slums and supported migrants in finding low-cost housing. A. supported B. low-cost C. The D. in Question 2: We can install energy-saving products like fans instead of air-conditioners which consumes a lot of energy. A. consumes B. instead of C. like D. energy-saving Question 3: The pilot was forced to make an emergent landing not long after take-off after a problem was detected in an engine. A. The pilot B. an engine C. an emergent D. a problem Question 4: The chart shows a number of Internet users in Amsterdam, the capital city of the Netherlands, from 2005 to 2020. A. the Netherlands B. a number C. to D. in Amsterdam Question 5: When Singapore gained independence in 1965, Lee decided to keep English as the main language to increase economical benefits. A. economical benefits B. gained independence C. the main D. to keep Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. (1.0 point) Question 6: Anne said to Bean, “Were I you, I’d learn English every single day.” A. Ann urged that Bean learned English every day. B. Ann suggested that Bean had learned English daily. C. Ann insisted Bean learn English every other day. D. Ann advised that Bean learn English each day. Question 7: As her lessons became increasingly hard, she tried harder than ever. A. Her lessons got more and more difficult and she tried more and more. B. She tried to be more difficult but her lessons became more challenging. C. Her lessons became harder and harder although she never tried harder. D. She did not feel at ease as her lessons were more and more demanding. Question 8: Climate changes affect crops. This leads to food shortages. A. Climate changes affect crops, which creates food shortages. B. Climate changes affect crops worsened by food shortages. C. Climate changes affect crops, caused by food shortages. D. Climate changes affect crops which lead to food shortages. Question 9: In 2021, ninety per cent of the students borrowed books from the library. A. In 2021, a majority of the students borrowed books from the library. B. In 2021, the number of books borrowed from the library was minimal. C. In 2021, four-fifths of the students borrowed books from the library. D. In 2021, three quarters of the students borrowed books from the library. Question 10: From 2015 to 2020, there was a sharp increase in his salary. A. From 2015 to 2020, his salary remained stable. B. From 2015 to 2020, his salary rose sharply. C. From 2015 to 2020, his salary fluctuated. D. From 2015 to 2020, his salary increased steadily. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. (0.4 point) Anh 12- Trang 1 – Mã đề 874
  6. Question 11: A few persevering climbers finally reached the top despite the strong cold winds. A. long-lasting B. record-breaking C. well-organized D. weak-willed Question 12: She sees cleaning as a pointless exercise since everything is going to get dirty again. A. harmful B. painful C. cheerful D. useful Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress. (0.6 point) Question 13: A. entertainment B. perseverance C. revolution D. agriculture Question 14: A. massive B. detailed C. unique D. private Question 15: A. diagnose B. separate C. interact D. hesitate Choose the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. (0.4 point) Question 16: After completing a difficult project, they produced a thorough report to help any of their colleagues through similar situations. A. manufacture B. cancelled C. wrote D. tried Question 17: His employees worshipped him for his kindness and leadership, and he responded by showing a genuine concern for their welfare. A. begged B. admired C. sacrificed D. prayed Read the passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. (1.2 points) Clues at ancient lake site reveal earliest known cooked meal The shift from eating raw to cooked food was a dramatic turning point in human evolution, and the discovery has suggested prehistoric humans were able to deliberately (18)___ fires to cook food at least 780,000 years ago. The detailed study of fish teeth unearthed at the Gesher Benot Ya’aqov site, situated on the edge of the ancient lake Hula, Israel, revealed that some of our early ancestors – most likely Homo erectus – were able to cook fish, said study author Dr. Irit Zohar, (19)___ at Tel Aviv University’s Steinhardt Museum of Natural History. No human remains had been found at the site, but the stone tools were the same (20)___ those found at Homo erectus sites across Africa. Zohar said the lake would have been shallow, and it might have been easy to catch large fish like the extinct Luciobarbus longicep, which could grow up to two meters, by hand. The shift to eating cooked meals meant humans (21)___ less energy on the intensive work of searching for and digesting fresh, raw food, freeing up more time in which to develop new social and behavioral systems. It has been suggested that the consumption of meat (22)___ to the increase in relative brain size of our early Homo ancestors, but bacteria make the consumption of uncooked meat a risky business. Cooking, however, kills bacteria and increases the energetic value of meat – thereby creating a new, (23)___ food source. (Adapted from edition.cnn.com) Question 18: A. make B. put C. construct D. produce Question 19: A. the researchers B. a researcher C. researchers D. researcher Question 20: A. likely B. like C. alike D. as Question 21: A. lacked B. saved C. stored D. used Question 22: A. affected B. explained C. influenced D. led Question 23: A. infectious B. dependable C. unhealthy D. addicted Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation. (0.6 point) Question 24: A. absorbs B. achieves C. presents D. clutters Question 25: A. installed B. worshiped C. subscribed D. occurred Question 26: A. culture B. function C. tutor D. custom Anh 12- Trang 2 – Mã đề 874
  7. Read the passage and choose the correct the correct answer to each of the questions. (1.2 points) Have you got out of bed? Sat on a chair? Had your breakfast? Made a shopping list? Blown your nose into a tissue? Taken some medicine? Have you once looked around and made a list of things that have forest origin? Forests play a vital part in our daily lives in more ways than we can imagine. Over 1.5 billion people rely on forests for livelihoods. Forests provide us with shelter, livelihoods, water, food and fuel security. All of these activities directly or indirectly involve forests. Some are easy to figure out – fruits, paper and wood from trees, and so on. Others are less obvious, such as by-products that go into everyday items like medicines, cosmetics and detergents. We depend on forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use. Forests provide ecosystem services that are critical to human welfare. They absorb harmful greenhouse gasses that produce climate change. They protect watersheds, prevent soil erosion and reduce the amount of chemicals that reach waterways. Forests serve as a buffer in natural disasters like flood and rainfalls and provide habitat to more than half of the world’s land-based species Yet, despite our dependence on forests, we are still allowing them to disappear. Between 1990 and 2020, the world lost some 178 million hectares of forests, an area the size of Libya. When we take away the forest, it is not just the trees that go. The entire ecosystem begins to fall apart, with dire consequences for all of us. (Adapted from wwf.panda.org) Question 27: Which serves as the main idea of the passage? A. The complete loss of forests B. Our strong reliance on forests C. The financial benefits of forests D. Our independence of forests Question 28: The word “critical” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___. A. difficult B. important C. analytical D. dangerous Question 29: The word “that” in paragraph 3 refers to ___. A. watersheds B. forests C. ecosystem services D. greenhouse gasses Question 30: According to paragraph 3, over 50% of land-based species rely on forests for ___. A. medicines to survive B. flood and rainfalls C. places to live D. natural disasters Question 31: The word “dire” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ___. A. spectacular B. social C. limited D. serious Question 32: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. Trees are disappearing because of climate change. B. Many important products are made from wood. C. Everybody relies on forests for their livelihoods. D. Forests will be wiped out in the next century. Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions. (3.6 points) Question 33: The opening ceremony was attended by a number of ___ guests. A. distinguish B. distinguishing C. distinguished D. distinguishes Question 34: You need a sharp knife to cut the onion into ___ slices. A. fast-running B. meat-free C. fast-growing D. paper-thin Question 35: Even the smallest baby can ___ its mother by her voice. A. identity B. identify C. identical D. identifier Question 36: He was playing ___ outside while she was practising ___ inside. A. a tennis / a violin B. the tennis / violin C. tennis / the violin D. the tennis / a violin Question 37: Choose the pair of words that are NOT homophones. A. flour / flower B. hit / heat C. buy / bye D. berry / bury Question 38: The city centre is quite lively during the day, ___ it is totally dead at night. A. because B. during C. or D. but Question 39: He ___ too late to see his friend, who ___ already. A. had arrived / dies B. arrived / has died C. arrived / had died D. had arrived / died Question 40: Water samples taken from streams were ___ for contamination by chemicals. A. analytical B. analysis C. analysed D. analytically Anh 12- Trang 3 – Mã đề 874
  8. Question 41: Grandpa has becoming quite ___. Perhaps he will not be able to remember the way back home one day. A. absent-minded B. white-toothed C. thick-skinned D. self-educated Question 42: The story was so ___ that most people burst into tears. A. easygoing B. heartbreaking C. long-lasting D. sweet-smelling Question 43: She ___ her room for hours and it is still in a mess. A. has been tidied B. had tidied C. tidies D. has been tidying Question 44: Donna ___ a hundred books this month. A. had read B. has read C. has been reading D. has been read Question 45: You have a brilliant suggestion, ___ it will save us from these problems. A. however B. and C. but D. yet Question 46: ___ need to be well taken care of by their children and grandchildren. A. An old person B. The old C. Old person D. The old person Question 47: As it was getting ___, she was not home yet and was feeling ___. A. dark and darker / more tired and tired B. more dark and dark / tired more and more C. darker and darker / more and more tired D. more and more dark / tired and more tired Question 48: Cigarettes are harmful, highly ___, and aggressively marketed to young people. A. addicted B. addictive C. addiction D. addictively Question 49: Eye colour was traditionally described as a single gene trait, with brown eyes being ___ over blue eyes. A. dominate B. dominant C. dominance D. dominantly Question 50: It is essential that your child ___ problem-solving skills. A. has B. had C. have D. has had THE END Anh 12- Trang 4 – Mã đề 874
  9. SỞ GD&ĐT BÌNH DƯƠNG Đáp án đề kiểm tra cuối học kỳ 1 – NH 2022-2023 - Môn: Tiếng Anh 12 MÃ ĐỀ CÂU 137 199 719 874 1 D C B A 2 B B C A 3 D D B C 4 C A A B 5 A B D A 6 B C D D 7 C D B A 8 D D C A 9 B A C A 10 D B C B 11 A D C D 12 B C C D 13 C A A D 14 D C D C 15 C C A C 16 D C D C 17 C C D B 18 B B B A 19 D A A B 20 A A D D 21 B A A D 22 B D C D 23 D D A B 24 C D B C 25 D B A B 26 C B D C 27 A B A B 28 A A C B 29 B C D D 30 D D D C 31 A C D D 32 C C B B 33 C B B C 34 A C B D 35 C D B B 36 B A B C 37 D D C B 38 C C C D 39 D C B C 40 C B B C 41 B D B A 42 A A A B 43 A B C D 44 B C B B 45 C A D B 46 B C D B 47 C C D C 48 C A A B 49 C C C B 50 B B A C