Kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Mã đề 261 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Sở GD&ĐT Bình Dương (Có đáp án)

Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions. 
Question 6: You should always ______ important files and documents so that you won’t lose all your work 
if something goes wrong with the hardware. 
A. break up B. back up C. mix up D. clean up 
Question 7: She asked us, “Will you ______ lunch already when we arrive?” 
A. eat B. have been eaten C. have eaten D. be eaten 
Question 8: The film’s message is perhaps too ______ to be understood by young children. 
A. artificial B. robotic C. childish D. subtle 
Question 9: If you can’t explain it simply, you ______ it well enough. 
A. don’t understand B. wouldn’t understand C. hadn’t understood D. weren’t understood 
Question 10: His first week in the job was spent ______ one of the more experienced employees. 
A. shadowing B. navigating C. shortlisting D. misusing 
Question 11: She took to scuba diving like a ______ to water. 
A. swan B. fish C. shark D. duck 
Question 12: Dividing students into small groups usually helps ______ discussion. 
A. pursue B. confine C. hesitate D. facilitate 
Question 13: It’s always a mistake to ______ in other people’s arguments. 
A. interest B. interfere C. interact D. interrupt 
Question 14: Adaptation has been defined as an ______ process for which natural selection seems to be 
an important factor. 
A. evolve B. evolutionarily C. evolutionary D. evolution 
Question 15: In order to get a passport, you’ll need your birth ______. 
A. certificate B. degree C. diploma D. qualification 
Question 16: Once his lies were revealed, he lost all ______ as a leader. 
A. incredible B. incredibly C. credible D. credibility 
Question 17: She asked me ______ the rules of the game. 
A. I understood B. do you understand C. did I understand D. if I understood
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Nội dung text: Kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Mã đề 261 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Sở GD&ĐT Bình Dương (Có đáp án)

  1. SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KIỂM TRA CUỐI HỌC KỲ II NĂM HỌC 2021-2022 Môn: Tiếng Anh – Lớp 12 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút. (không tính thời gian phát đề) MÃ ĐỀ: 261 Read the passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Koalas were declared officially endangered in eastern Australia as they fall prey to disease, lost habitat and (1)___ threats. Many koalas in Australia suffer from chlamydia. Koala populations in New South Wales have fallen by 33% - 61% since 2001. In 2020, a parliamentary inquiry warned the species might become extinct before 2050 without urgent (2)___. The number of koalas in Queensland has fallen by half since 2001 (3)___ drought, fires and deforestation. Some are killed in attacks by dogs, or run over on roads. “Koalas have gone from no-listing to vulnerable to endangered within a decade, (4)___ is a shockingly fast decline,” said Stuart Blanch, a conservation scientist with the World Wildlife Fund-Australia. The Australian Koala Foundation estimates that there are fewer than 100,000 koalas left in the wild, possibly as few as 43,000. Summer brushfires in 2019-2020 killed at least 6,400 of the animals, as rescuers worked desperately to save them and treat their injuries. The government says that listing koalas as endangered will highlight and help address threats, while conservation groups argue more has to be done to (5)___ them from extinction. Question 1: A. each B. every C. other D. another Question 2: A. malfunction B. complication C. extermination D. intervention Question 3: A. as B. because C. due to D. since Question 4: A. that B. whose C. which D. who Question 5: A. care B. help C. save D. treat Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 6: You should always ___ important files and documents so that you won’t lose all your work if something goes wrong with the hardware. A. break up B. back up C. mix up D. clean up Question 7: She asked us, “Will you ___ lunch already when we arrive?” A. eat B. have been eaten C. have eaten D. be eaten Question 8: The film’s message is perhaps too ___ to be understood by young children. A. artificial B. robotic C. childish D. subtle Question 9: If you can’t explain it simply, you ___ it well enough. A. don’t understand B. wouldn’t understand C. hadn’t understood D. weren’t understood Question 10: His first week in the job was spent ___ one of the more experienced employees. A. shadowing B. navigating C. shortlisting D. misusing Question 11: She took to scuba diving like a ___ to water. A. swan B. fish C. shark D. duck Question 12: Dividing students into small groups usually helps ___ discussion. A. pursue B. confine C. hesitate D. facilitate Question 13: It’s always a mistake to ___ in other people’s arguments. A. interest B. interfere C. interact D. interrupt Question 14: Adaptation has been defined as an ___ process for which natural selection seems to be an important factor. A. evolve B. evolutionarily C. evolutionary D. evolution Question 15: In order to get a passport, you’ll need your birth ___. A. certificate B. degree C. diploma D. qualification Question 16: Once his lies were revealed, he lost all ___ as a leader. A. incredible B. incredibly C. credible D. credibility Question 17: She asked me ___ the rules of the game. A. I understood B. do you understand C. did I understand D. if I understood Question 18: Her doctor said the problem was more ___ than physical. A. emotionally B. emotion C. emotionless D. emotional 1/4– Mã đề 261
  2. Question 19: Financial experts have ___ signs that the economy is beginning to improve. A. detected B. detectably C. detection D. detective Question 20: ___ you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go. A. But B. During C. When D. And Question 21: She ___ her son to do his homework by promising him ice cream when he’s finished. A. lets B. gets C. makes D. has Question 22: The closer to the city centre an apartment is, ___. A. it will be the more expensive B. the more expensive it will be C. the more it will be expensive D. the more expensive will it be Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions. 1 The Pacific Northwest tree octopus is only found in the forests of Washington State, on the eastern side of the Olympic Mountains, in the United States. These creatures reach an average size of between 30 and 35 centimetres and live for around four years. They are unusual in that they live both in water and on land, a fact made possible by the very high amounts of rainfall in this part of the United States. 2 Possessing the largest brain of any octopus, the tree octopus explores its surroundings by touch and sight. Some scientists believe that the way it has adapted to life in the forest mirrors the way early life forms adapted to life away from the water. Although they are not social animals like humans, they can still show emotions by changing their skin colour: red indicates anger and white, fear. Normally, though, they are a green-brown colour that matches their surroundings. 3 Every spring, tree octopuses leave their homes and travel to the coast to breed. Males soon return to the forest, while females lay their eggs underwater. The young then spend their first month or so floating near the shore before moving out of the water and beginning their adult lives in the forest. 4 Although the tree octopus is not yet on the official list of endangered animals, it should be, as numbers are now seriously low. It faces many threats: trees in Pacific-Northwest forests are constantly being cut down; new roads have cut off access to water; the growth of local towns has introduced house cats into the region, which hunt the octopuses; and pollution is getting worse. Immediate action needs to be taken to stop the tree octopus from becoming extinct. Question 23: Which of the following is the most suitable title of the passage? A. The Most Intelligent Octopus in the World B. Save the Tree Octopus from Extinction C. How Pollution Affects the Tree Octopus D. Roles of the Internet in Preserving Wildlife Question 24: The word “surroundings” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___. A. dangers B. environments C. costumes D. partners Question 25: The word “their” in paragraph 3 refers to ___. A. male octopuses B. female octopuses C. all octopuses D. young octopuses Question 26: The tree octopus ___. A. has the largest brain of all the world’s fish B. is not officially listed as endangered C. lives on the trees of the forests of Washington State D. turns white whenever it is annoyed Question 27: Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage? A. The tree octopus is the largest sea creature in the eastern U.S. B. Washington State residents hunt tree octopuses in large scales. C. Washington State is one of the wettest places in the U.S. D. The tree octopus prefers living in water than on land. Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. Question 28: Julie couldn’t break up with the sounds of cats meowing at night so she decided to sleep during the day. A. break up with B. at night C. to sleep D. during Question 29: A number of nature reserves has increased dramatically in order to protect endangered species. A. nature reserves B. A number C. endangered species D. increased dramatically 2/4– Mã đề 261
  3. Question 30: Maria often comes up with her story idea at night, so she writes them down before she forgets them. A. idea B. down C. up D. before Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of the following sentences. Question 31: He approached me and talked non-stop for hours. That was why I felt more and more bored. A. The longer he talked, the more bored I felt. B. The longer he talked, the more and more bored I felt. C. The more bored I felt, the more he approached me and talked non-stop. D. The more bored I felt, the more he approached me and talked. Question 32: John usually stays calm. He was furious with the drunk driver who hit his car yesterday. A. After John usually stays calm, he was furious with the drunk driver who hit his car yesterday. B. If John usually stayed calm, he would be furious with the drunk driver who hit his car yesterday. C. Although John usually stays calm, he was furious with the drunk driver who hit his car yesterday. D. When John usually stays calm, he was furious with the drunk driver who hit his car yesterday. Question 33: Jack arrived in time. He was able to rescue the drowning kid. A. If Jack didn’t arrive in time, he wouldn’t be able to rescue the drowning kid. B. Were Jack to arrive late, the drowning kid would not be rescued. C. If Jack had arrived late, the drowning kid would not have been saved. D. Had Jack arrived in time, he would have been able to rescue the drowning kid. Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following sentences. Question 34: With the hospitality so characteristic of these people, they opened their house to over 50 guests. A. capable B. jealous C. typical D. aware Question 35: Many countries started to issue vaccination passports to resurrect tourism after COVID-19. A. revive B. repeat C. remain D. replace Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following sentences. Question 36: A. malfunction B. applicant C. habitat D. quality Question 37: A. demand B. strengthen C. attend D. amend Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. Question 38: She intended to ask him to fix her broken washing machine. A. She wanted him to break down her washing machine. B. She had no intention of having him fix her broken washing machine. C. She was about to help him fix her broken washing machine. D. She was going to get her broken washing machine fixed. Question 39: Debbie said to Harry, “Oh dear. I’m exhausted. Can we stop to have lunch here?” A. Debbie complained that she was exhausted and wanted Harry to stop his lunch there. B. Debbie said that she was exhausted and asked Harry if she could stop to have lunch there. C. Debbie told Harry that she was exhausted and suggested stopping to have lunch there. D. Debbie rumoured that she exhausted and wondered whether she could stop for lunch there. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following sentences. Question 40: The success of their major product consolidated the firm’s position in the market. A. determined B. weakened C. maintained D. secured Question 41: Elevated amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has made the current situation more and more alarming. A. uncontrolled B. doubled C. expanded D. reduced Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following sentences. Question 42: A. admire B. tailor C. assist D. involve Question 43: A. relevant B. proficient C. flexible D. practical 3/4– Mã đề 261
  4. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions. 1 The claim that machines or robots will steal our jobs has echoed through the decades from the earliest science fiction stories to more realistic developments today in smart electronics, artificial intelligence and automation. The claims that they will usurp millions of jobs may only be partially true, while the exact numbers are something we cannot definitively declare. In fact, the technological changes underway will create more jobs in different sectors if history is any indication. 2 The question then becomes not whether a robot or A.I. system will render you obsolete, but whether you will rise to the challenge of learning what it takes to stay relevant and employed. When you become a lifelong learner and focus on continual learning of new, in-demand skills, you claim the power to face the future of work successfully. 3 What does it mean to be a lifelong learner? Abandon the commonly held notion that learning is for children and young adults: you graduate from high school, get a university degree and consider yourself done with education. In the past, this may have been sufficient to land and keep a great job until you retire. But the concept of being a learner has shifted. No more is the concept learn, do, retire. To be agile and adaptable, you need to learn, do, unlearn – learn, do, rest – learn, do, unlearn – repeat. This is the cycle of a lifelong learner. 4 Modern careers are like nonstop conveyor belts – you need to keep moving and learning no matter what the stage of your career. Being content is a mindset that puts us at risk. Consider how quickly industry, business and technology evolve – this is how our employees get left behind. Instilling lifelong learning ensures talent remains agile, adaptable and ready to fill the next organizational gap. 5 In today’s work climate, lifelong learning paves the way for current and future success. In the most basic terms, a lifelong learner is someone who keeps acquiring new skills and capabilities well past their formal education years. It involves not only studying new topics but also developing an open-minded, positive attitude about the dynamic nature of the world. Personal development continues alongside professional development. 6 A lifelong learner looks for opportunities to expand their knowledge and understanding. While qualifications help with a career, curiosity and a growth mindset invite future possibilities. Question 44: The purpose of the article is to ___. A. discuss the significance of lifelong learning B. introduce a variety of lifelong learning styles C. explain the policies to stimulate employment D. describe the scenarios for artificial intelligence Question 45: The word “usurp” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ___. A. provide B. take C. perform D. create Question 46: The word “evolve” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ___. A. disappear B. malfunction C. threaten D. develop Question 47: Which statement is TRUE, according to paragraph 4? A. You need to keep changing positions in your career. B. Lifelong learning helps bridge the next generation gap. C. Modern careers involve working nonstop at conveyor belts. D. It is unadvisable to be satisfied with what you know. Question 48: According to paragraph 5, what is NOT lifelong learning? A. having a positive attitude B. learning new topics C. knowing the past well D. gaining new skills Question 49: The word “their” in paragraph 6 refers to ___. A. qualifications B. possibilities C. opportunities D. lifelong learners Question 50: What can be inferred from paragraph 6? A. It is essential to look for new opportunities. B. People should keep learning throughout their life. C. People should be curious about other people’s jobs. D. Qualifications are still the most important factor in the world of work. The End 4/4– Mã đề 261
  5. ĐÁP ÁN Kiểm tra cuối Học kỳ II – Năm học 2021-2022 Môn: Tiếng Anh – Lớp 12 Mã đề Câu 261 369 671 762 1 C B A D 2 D D D C 3 C A B D 4 C A D D 5 C A D B 6 B A A C 7 C C D A 8 D D A D 9 A C B A 10 A B B A 11 D A D B 12 D B D B 13 B D A D 14 C D A D 15 A D C A 16 D B B D 17 D B B B 18 D B D B 19 A D C A 20 C C D D 21 B D C C 22 B A D B 23 B B A C 24 B B A C 25 B A C B 26 B B D D 27 C C D B 28 A C A A 29 B C A C 30 A A B B 31 A A C B 32 C C B D 33 C B A A 34 C A D D 35 A D A C 36 D A B A 37 A C D A 38 D A D D 39 C C B B 40 B D A D 41 D C B B 42 B D B B 43 B D B C 44 A A A D 45 B A A B 46 D D B C 47 D A C A 48 C B B B 49 D A D C 50 B D C B