Kỳ thi chọn đội tuyển dự thi học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Trường THPT chuyên Nguyễn Trãi

Part 3. You will hear part of an interview with Miriam Baker, a psychologist, about how social 
media has changed self-expression. For questions 11-15, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) 
which fits best according to what you hear.  
11. According to Miriam, what is the main reason people feel the need to create perfect 
images of their lives on social media?  
A They are hoping to attract more friends.  
B They want their lives to seem more exciting.  
C They are in need of validation.  
D They have very unhappy lives.  
12. In Miriam's view, the average user of social media is  
A driven and only interested in self-gratification.  
B lonely and looking for meaningful connections.  
C curious and concerned with their surroundings.  
D volatile and confused about what they want.  
13. When discussing her own experience with social media, Miriam reveals  
A her unexpected pleasure at the response.  
B her desire to engage with it more.  
C her worry of becoming addicted.  
D her anxiety of not being accepted.  
14. Miriam compares media in the past with social media today to  
A highlight the reduction in consumption.  
B focus on the differing subject matter.  
C explain the difference in the audience.  
D illustrate the variety of content.  
15. What advice does Miriam give about combating `Digital Narcissism'?  
A Be true to who you really are.  
B Try to post more meaningful content.  
C Focus on others and not yourself.  
D Do things that increase your self-esteem
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Nội dung text: Kỳ thi chọn đội tuyển dự thi học sinh giỏi cấp tỉnh Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Trường THPT chuyên Nguyễn Trãi

  1. SỞ GD&ĐT HẢI DƯƠNG KỲ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN DỰ THI HSG CẤP TỈNH TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN NGUYỄN TRÃI NĂM 2021-2022 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian thi: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Ngày thi: 12/9/2021 Đề thi có 11 trang Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu, kể cả từ điển. Giám thị không giải thích gì thêm. ___ I. LISTENING HƯỚNG DẪN PHẦN THI NGHE HIỂU Bài nghe gồm 4 phần; mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần, mỗi lần cách nhau 05 giây; mở đầu và kết thúc mỗi phần nghe có tín hiệu. Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu nhạc. Thí sinh có 02 phút để hoàn chỉnh bài trước tín hiệu nhạc kết thúc bài nghe. Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe. Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a talk about top five artificial intelligence colleges. What does the speaker say about each college? Choose five answer from the box and write the correct letter, A-I, in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. A. provides students with both courses and research prospects in its lab. B. first began its research into artificial intelligence around six decades ago. C. offers prominent graduates with enormous career opportunities right at home in South California. D. had its first artificial intelligence research center established in 2015. E. is one of the best video game colleges and holds the first spot in the list of AI institutes. F. has one of the most cutting-edge lab for research and robotics in the world. G. includes more than two dozen faculty members and over a hundred graduate students. H. makes investments in both technical and ethical aspects of using AI. I. makes a name for itself as the most prominent lab worldwide. Colleges 1. Harvard University 2. University of California, Berkeley 3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4. Stanford University 5. Carnegie Mellon University Part 2: For questions 6-10, listen to a report about live chicken feed and complete the summary below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording in each blank. - Woodland, which houses thousands of (6) ___ chickens and millions of black soldier fly larvae, is a family-run farm in Cambridgeshire. - At Woodland, the chickens’ diet now consists of home-grown insects, which are produced by an AI system that can directly upcycle by-products, rather than (7) ___ wheat as previously. - To (8) ___ the process of insect production for farmers is the aim of Better Origin, the University of Cambridge spin-out running the trial. Page 1 of 11 pages
  2. - The performance of each insect tray can be tracked using a (9) ___ which processes data analyzed by computer vision systems. - The farmer cited excellent feather coverage and (10) ___ as reasons why he was happy with the trial. Part 3. You will hear part of an interview with Miriam Baker, a psychologist, about how social media has changed self-expression. For questions 11-15, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. 11. According to Miriam, what is the main reason people feel the need to create perfect images of their lives on social media? A They are hoping to attract more friends. B They want their lives to seem more exciting. C They are in need of validation. D They have very unhappy lives. 12. In Miriam's view, the average user of social media is A driven and only interested in self-gratification. B lonely and looking for meaningful connections. C curious and concerned with their surroundings. D volatile and confused about what they want. 13. When discussing her own experience with social media, Miriam reveals A her unexpected pleasure at the response. B her desire to engage with it more. C her worry of becoming addicted. D her anxiety of not being accepted. 14. Miriam compares media in the past with social media today to A highlight the reduction in consumption. B focus on the differing subject matter. C explain the difference in the audience. D illustrate the variety of content. 15. What advice does Miriam give about combating `Digital Narcissism'? A Be true to who you really are. B Try to post more meaningful content. C Focus on others and not yourself. D Do things that increase your self-esteem Part 4. You will hear an expert talking about seaweed and its uses. For questions 16-25, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. Seaweed has been eaten since ancient times in 16 ___. Seaweed isn't fattening, but it contains various 17 ___ as well as carbohydrates and proteins. Before nori is dried, it is 18 ___ in colour. A snack enjoyed by 19 ___ is rice enclosed in a sheet of seaweed. To cultivate nori, the Japanese put spores on 20 ___ and wait for them to grow into fronds of seaweed before harvesting them. In Britain, factories making 21 ___ used to burn kelp because it contains large quantities of potash and soda. In Scotland, kelp was gathered from the shore and used as 22 ___ on fields. 23 ___, which is traditionally eaten for breakfast in part of Wales, is made from a seaweed that is very much like nori. As seaweed is high in 24___, it can be used to make medicine. One day, seaweed may be used to produce 25 ___ on long journeys in outer space. II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR Part 1. For questions 26-40, choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to each of the following questions. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 26. You say you need new clothes but your wardrobe is full to ___ with dresses. A. overflowing B. overfilling C. overlaying D. overstepping 27. The economic situation makes many people unwilling to take the ___ and open their own businesses. Page 2 of 11 pages
  3. after teak became too expensive. Then came pine, particle board and the chunky layers of glued veneer that the company's head of design, Marcus Engman, says he is currently trying to make much thinner. B. Road signs specify distances to the metre hotel 184m, gym 229m, but somehow places are still hard to find. Ikea's newly launched bicycles are propped against lampposts. Not bicycles, but transport systems, according to Engman. There is even an Ikea bank. C. There are surprises, too. The first room shows wooden armchairs from the few years between the company's conception and its espousal of self-assembly. With their robust refusal to pack flat, they seem like a chapter from a different story. D. The museum includes a giftshop and restaurant, so there will be meatballs aplenty to add to the 1bn sold worldwide. They have been going to people's homes many times over the years and now it's time to pay back, to welcome them back. But, of course, the payback carries an admission charge of 60 Swedish krona for adults, 40 for children, and a discount for a year's pass. E. When she started, fresh from working in an auction house, she didn't know the names of any of the products, not even what a Billy was. F. The museum, housed on the site of the chain's first store in Almhult, in southern Sweden, is a celebration of everything Ikea. Even the original concrete floor, scuffed and scarred, proves Ikea's work ethic, economy and longevity, according to our tour guide. G. Instead, the insularity can make the company appear Willy Wonka-ish. A corridor of multicoloured marvels of design, from doorknobs to hooks and chairs and fake grass, greets the visitor and, according to the museum's creative manager, Cia Eriksson, represents constantly being on the way. H. The hardest items to find were a glass lamp designed by Tapio Wirkkala eventually won on a UK auction site for around $300 and rugs, such as the one beside the Klippan sofa in the 1980s room set. Part 4. For questions 77-83, read an article about virtual reality and choose the answer A, B, C, or D which you think fits best according to the text. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. REALITY OR VIRTUAL REALITY To know where information technology is takin us is impossible. The law of unintended consequences governs all technological revolutions. IN 1438, Johanne Gutenberg wanted a cheaper way to produce hand-written Bibles. His movable type fostered a spread in literacy, an advance in scientific knowledge and the emergence of the industrial revolution. Although no one can predict the full effect of the current information revolution, we can see changes in our daily lives. Look in any classroom. Today's teachers know they have to make lessons fast-moving and entertaining for children raised on television and computer games. Often the changes that accompany new information technology are so subtle that we barely notice them. Before the written word, people relied on their memories. Before telephones, more people knew the pleasure of writing and receiving letters. Before television and computers, people had a stronger sense of community, a greater attachment to neighbourhoods and families. Television has glued us to our homes, isolating us from other human beings. Only one-quarter of all Americans know their next-door neighbours. Our communities will become less intimate and more isolated as we earn degrees, begin romances and gossip on the Internet, a world-wide system that allows computers to communicate with one another. The age of software will offer more games, home banking, electronic shopping, video on demand and a host of other services that unplug us from physical contact. Is meeting face-to-face more valuable than corresponding electronically? Some neighbours still stop by when a family crisis occurs, but other people will offer condolences via email. Whichever we prefer, the electronic seems to represent the future. Television teaches many of us to favour the image over the actual. The Internet pushes life beyond the old physical barriers of time and space. Here you can roam around the world without leaving home, make new friends, exchange the results of laboratory experiments with a colleague overseas, read stock prices, buy clothes, stay out of the office, conducting business via a computer that becomes your virtual office. Virtual community. Virtual travel. Virtual love. A new reality. William Gibson, whose 1984 novel, "Neuromancer" pioneered the notion of virtual living, now says that electronic communication provides a "sensory Page 7 of 11 pages
  4. expansion for the species by allowing people to experience an extraordinary array of things while staying geographically in the same spot." Gibson warns, however, that the virtual can only augment our physical reality, never replace it. He applauds the countermove toward what has been called "skin" - shorthand for contact with other humans. The desire for skin can be seen in shopping centres - people want human contact even when they could buy things via television or the telephone. Although computers and fax machines make it easier to work at home, business areas continue to grow. More people than ever are crowding into major cities, in large part because companies that provide goods and services benefit from being together on a personal level with other people. Need for skin does not negate the electronic screen's power to mesmerise. No brain scan or biochemical study has identified a physical basis for our seemingly insatiable hunger for electronic stimulation. Computers are often more alluring than television, which already has a grip on us. Young people today spend about as much time in front of a television as in a classroom. Technology promises more and more information for less and less effort. As we hear these promises, we must balance faith in technology with faith in ourselves. Wisdom and insight often not come from keeping up-to-date with technology or compiling facts but from quiet reflection. What we hold most valuable - things like morality and compassion - can be found only within us. While embracing the future, we can remain loyal to our unchanging humanity. 77. What does the writer say about technological revolutions in the first paragraph? A. Industrial revolution will follow them. B. They are followed by unforeseen results. C. It's not easy to foster them. D. They help the spread of literacy. 78. What was one of the unplanned benefits of Guntenberg's invention? A. an increase in scientific experiments B. the spread of industry C. the fact that more people learned to read and write D. the fact that movable type became available. 79. What, until recently, characterized people before television and computers? A. They had better memories. B. They were very attached to writing letters. C. They had more direct contact with the people around them. D. They knew other human beings in the street. 80. Gibson believes that ___. A. the Internet is merely a supplement to the real world B. the Internet corresponds with our idea of what the real world is like C. electronic communication will contribute to the expansion of the species D. electronic communication should replace direct contact with other people 81. What social trend demonstrates that humans will seek out other humans? A. the spread of technology to the home B. the development of business areas and cities C. the provision of services by companies D. the rise of good employee relationships 82. According to the writer, the electronic screen has the ability to ___. A. make us desire human contact B. hold our attention completely C. make us watch too much television D. facilitate the need for electronic stimulation 83. In the writer's view, whilst willingly accepting the future we should ___. A. try not to change humanity B. always have faith in technology C. keep up to date with the latest technology and information D. not lose sight of the importance of our own mental abilities and moral values Part 5. The passage below consists of four paragraphs marked A, B, C, and D. For questions 84-95, read the passage and do the task that follows. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. Page 8 of 11 pages
  5. THE SOCIAL PHENOMENON THAT IS FASHION A. Each day as we prepare to meet our world we perform a very popular ritual: getting dressed. This may mean only adding a daub of war paint or freshening a grass girdle. Or it may be the painstaking ceremonious robing of a monarch. For most of us, however, it means the exchange of nightwear for day clothes. Although nakedness does still exist in some isolated communities, there appears to be no society that is entirely composed of totally unadorned human beings. The desire to alter or to add to the original natural state is so prevalent in the human species that we must assume it has become an inborn human trait. When did it begin? It certainly precedes recorded history. Bodily covering was probably the first man-made shelter and the human skin the earliest canvas. Standing erect with his arms and hands free to function creatively, man must have soon discovered that his anatomical frame could accommodate a wide variety of physical self-improvements. His shoulders could support a mantle to protect him from the elements. To stand out above his peers and indicate his superior position, he found his head could be an excellent foundation for adding stature and importance. Intertwined with these motivating factors and building on them was the human instinct for creative expression, an outlet for the aesthetic spirit. B. Changes in needs and outlooks often blur the purposes that originally gave articles of human raiment a raison de’être. Vestiges are relegated to tradition; others undergo a kind of mutation. The sheltering mantle, for example, can become a magnificent but cumbersome robe of state. Amulets, their symbolism lost or forgotten, become objects of decoration to show off the wearer’s wealth. Man is a gregarious creature. And although innovations and changes may be initiated by individuals, the inspiration that triggers them grows out of the innovator’s environment, and their acceptance or rejection is determined by his society. Nothing so graphically reflects social and cultural patterns as the manner in which individuals within a society alter their original appearance. C. Fashion can be a powerful force. Societies evolve for themselves a set of rules, and most people, consciously or subconsciously, do their best to conform. The nonconformists, those who do not wish to join in this game, must either sever their relationship and go it alone or suffer the consequences. These regulations are hardly capricious. Their roots are in the foundation of a society which, although composed of individuals, develops an identity of its own and an instinct for self-preservation. A homogeneity in dress is a manifest catalyst, a visible unifier of a social group. Because this is so, costume, if read properly, can give us an insight not only into the class structure of a social organization but also into its religion and aesthetics, its fears, hopes and goals. Today our clothes continue to reflect our anxieties and how we try to cope with them. Our society is rapidly becoming global. The recent worldwide rage for jeans is an example of this new universality and the wholesale movement to break down past barriers – geographical and social. D. “Fashion is the mirror of history.” King Louis XIV of France correctly observed. But if one were to transpose a fashion into another era, it would be unlikely to make sense. How, for example, could an Amazonian Indian or a Roman senator rationalize a hoop skirt, a starched ruff, or a powdered wig? Yet scrutinized through the specialist’s lens, such vagaries of dress can help chart the course of social mores, moral codes, the march of science and the progress of the arts. This would explain why the genealogy of clothes receives the rapt attention of the psychologist, sociologist, economist, anthropologist and art historian, each posing the same question: “Why do people wear what they wear?” Why, indeed, have human beings chosen to transform themselves as astonishingly? For the sake of the flesh or the spirit? For themselves and their own inquisitive nature or for the eyes of beholders? What has driven them? Ambition? Fear? Humility? There is and can be no single adequate response. Which paragraph ___ Your answers: explains why non-mainstream fashion risks the possibility of social disapproval? 84. makes the point that fashion cannot be taken out of its historical context? 85. suggests a temporal link between wearing clothes and painting the body? 86. explains that certain clothes eventually become recognized as merely of historical 87. interest? suggests that someone might dress in a particular way in order not to attract 88. attention? suggests that clothes could be used to assert social standing? 89. Page 9 of 11 pages
  6. mentions a fashion item which reflects a trend in society? 90. mentions clothes being put on in a very elaborate manner? 91. mentions satisfying one’s own curiosity as a possible motive for dressing in unusual 92. ways? offers an explanation for the way in which dress codes originate? 93. mentions fashion as the aspect that provides the best reflection of culture and 94. society? claims that innovations in fashion are either approved or disapproved of by the 95. society? Part 6: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. When LL Zamenhof constructed the auxiliary language of Esperanto in the late 1880s, he did so with certain key goals in mind: to (96) ___ the study of language easier and more learner- friendly; and to develop a universal language as a means of international communication and as a (97) ___ for promoting concord and understanding in a (98) ___ world. His goals were influenced very much by his own experiences of growing up in Bialystok, which is part of modern-day Poland. A multitude of different ethnic groups lived there at the time and were constantly (99) ___ with each one another. It was this at which Zamenhof despaired, and he reasoned that the (100) ___ cause of dispute was the barriers to communication present on account of the lack of a common language. Therefore, he set out to create one: Esperanto. His goals were incredibly ambitious, but was the new language a success? Well, in so far as it is the most widely spoken artificial one in existence today, with an estimated two-plus-million people worldwide fluent to some (101) ___, you would have to say yes. However, the fact remains that Esperanto has not (102) ___ English as the lingua franca of international communication, nor has it been nearly so widely (103) ___ as Zamenhof himself would have hoped. Therefore, judged against Zamenhof’s own (104) ___ ambitions for the language, the conclusion could not be in the affirmative. That said, his intentions in building an entirely new language were incredibly noteworthy and that the language has (105) ___ even to the extent that it has done, with millions of active speakers, is, in and of itself quite remarkable. 96. A. render B. prove C. adjust D. portray 97. A. scheme B. utensil C. device D. mechanism 98. A. discordant B. analogous C. congruent D. comparable 99. A. debating B. disputing C. quarrelling D. conflicting 100. A. outlying B. underlying C. outstanding D. underlining 101. A. scope B. breadth C. matter D. degree 102. A. promoted B. usurped C. overturned D. reversed 103. A. endured B. embraced C. embodied D. enhanced 104. A. reckless B. modest C. lofty D. pushy 105. A. enriched B. cultivated C. stretched D. prospered IV. WRITING Part 1: Read the following extract and use your own words to summarize it. You MUST NOT copy or rewrite the original. Your summary should be between 100 and 120 words long. The word grandparents is descriptive of the unique dual parenting role that this generation assume. It emphasizes the vital part they play in family life. With a wealth of old world experience behind them, and with the unique ability to metamorphose from advisers or mediators into listeners or friends, they can offer support and stability in an ever-changing world. The underlying sense of responsibility that goes with this is tremendous. Grandparents perform a balancing act between the needs of their adult children and those of their grandchildren. This role is varied It is imperial at times, muted at others. It goes underground whenever required, but it is solid and absolutely dependable. Grandparents often bridge the gap between parents and their children. Rebellious, independent children who are trying to find their feet are almost always at loggerheads with their parents. The role of grandparents can be very important provided they act as impartial judges and are able to convey Page 10 of 11 pages
  7. this feeling to both parties. Grandchildren prefer to listen to their grandparents rather than their parents, who often find themselves up against a brick wall. One important thing, which seems to be missing in the lives of children today, is a sense of family, values, beliefs and principles. This is where the grandparents step in. However, instilling beliefs and values is not as easy as it was fifty or sixty years ago. Then, no questions were asked and there was an implicit sense of trust. With changing times and changing outlooks, children have started to question the validity of everything around them. Globalization has eroded their sense of belonging and weakened identification with their roots. Science and technology force them to doubt every traditional belief. Parents, who have so many demands on their time, are perhaps not in the best position to instill traditional values in their offspring. Children are very demanding and grandparents, without appearing to be pushy, have both the time and the experience to deal with tantrums. They can appease, soothe and impart values with tremendous ease. Our Indian culture is rich and varied, but how many children recognise this? Grandparents can teach them to appreciate cultural traditions and inform their moral development. Part 2. Graph description The chart below shows male and female fitness membership between 1970 and 2000 in Someland. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Part 3. Write an essay of 350 words on the following topic: A large number of high schools in other countries have included voluntary work in their syllabus and regarded it as a criterion in personality assessment. Should this policy be adopted in Vietnamese high schools in forthcoming years? Give reasons and specific examples to support your opinion(s). – THE END – Page 11 of 11 pages